Roberts' Multimedia: Version 3 Guided Tour: Birds Module

Birds Module
Identification Module
Bird Lists Module
Birding Spots Module
Habitats Module
Sounds Module
Nests and Eggs
Program Layout
Setup Options

Birds Module:
Family Pages
Bird Pages
Similar Birds
Rare Birds
Add/Edit Birds
Bird Page Notes

The Bird Pages

In this module, you can page through the bird pages or select a bird from the bird list, listen to the sound, view the field-guide text and full Roberts' 6 text, browse illustrations and photographs, watch a short video clip and make your own notes. Also included on this page are updated colour-coded distribution maps (variable density showing occurrence), alternative names, scientific names explained and alternative bird numbers. The Bird Pages now has a new rare bird sightings database with over 4000 records.

Functions available
Family Page, Text, Sound, Video, Notes, Similar, Add/Edit

Page Summary

  • Text - includes the Roberts field guide and full Roberts' 6 text. The full text describes the measurements, bare parts, identification, distribution, status, habitat, food and breeding.
  • Scientific explained - explains the scientific names of each bird.
  • Alternative names - lists any alternative English, scientific names, Afrikaans, German, French and Indigenous names.
  • Illustrations and Photographs - browse by clicking on the illustration and photo thumbnails. Double-click on the photos to enlarge (double-size). Once enlarged, use left and right arrows to tab between photos.
  • Distribution maps - updated distribution maps colour-coded for status (resident, breeding, migrant) and occurrence (rare, uncommon, common, very common and abundant). New pink rare bird distribution and sighting records.
  • Sound and Video play bar - controls the sound and video playback (play, stop and pause). Also use [Sound] and [Video] on menu bar to set to play once, or to play repeatedly (loop). You can choose a default under Setup-Configuration.
  • Seasonal bar - colour-coded seasonal bar which shows time of year for occurrence and breeding information.
  • Rare Bird records - database of records for each rare bird. The records are indicated by red dots on the distribution map.
  • User Notes - shows a sighting summary of the records you have entered for the bird.
  • Red Data Bird - this red square indicates that the species is in the Red Data Bird book. The status of these birds is regionally extinct (RE), critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) or near-threatened (NT).
  • Endemic species - this green square indicates that the bird is an endemic species for Southern Africa. The status of these birds includes: endemic to Southern Africa (E), range endemic (Er), endemic sub-species (Es) or a breeding range endemic (Ebr).


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