Roberts' Multimedia: Version 3 Guided Tour: Birds Module

Birds Module
Identification Module
Bird Lists Module
Birding Spots Module
Habitats Module
Sounds Module
Nests and Eggs
Program Layout
Setup Options

Birds Module:
Family Pages
Bird Pages
Similar Birds
Rare Birds
Add/Edit Birds
Bird Page Notes

The BIRDS module is based on the reference field guide "Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa" and Guy Gibbon's sounds and videos. The 958 individual bird pages include both concise and scientific texts, updated distribution maps, and over 1700 illustrations, 3500 photographs, 850 bird sounds, and 450 video clips.

Family Pages
The first screen in the BIRDS module is a family page opposite a bird list. Selecting a family name from the Birds [V] button, or name from the bird list, will turn the page to that family. Here you can browse the family and make comparisons by selecting a bird from the pictures. This will display the short field-guide text, distribution map, and alternative names and numbers in the right-hand panel. [Similar Birds] can also be used to compare species. To open a bird page, double-click on a picture in the bird page, or a name in the list, or select [Bird Page] from the menu, or from the short-cut icons. You may also turn the pages as in a book and page forward and backward between the families using the arrows on the menu. Explore a family page for sounds by clicking on the bird. You can page forward and backward between the families using the arrows on the menu bar | < Page > |.

Bird Pages 
The individual bird pages comprise illustrations, distribution maps, concise "field-guide" text and scientific text, photos, videos and sounds, alternative names and scientific names explained, rare bird data, a personal notepad, and print functions. Illustrations, photos and videos may be selected from the thumbnails, and the sound switched on or off. The distribution maps are colour-coded, indicating status (resident, breeding migrant, non-breeding migrant and rare bird), and density-coded, indicating occurrence (uncommon, common, very common, abundant). Also indicated are endemic and red data species. Clicking on a rare bird map will scroll down to the summary of rare bird records. The notepad maintains a record of all your sightings entered into the Bird List module, and entering details on the notepad will automatically update your life list. You can page forward and backward using the arrows.

Similar Birds
Birds is a new module that uses a split screen to compare similar species. All the information available on the bird page is available for comparison.

Rare Bird Data
The bird pages include over 4700 records of 160 species of rare and vagrant birds. See Rare Bird Data for details.

Add/Edit Birds
You can
maintain the bird list database to your liking, and add new and edit existing bird pages with this function. You can [Edit]  the existing bird pages by changing the names and numbers, and even add your own photos and multimedia. You can also [Add] new species from the world list (when a species not yet on the SA list is sighted), or even create [New] species that result from a split.

Bird Page Notes
The bird page notes module keeps track of all your sightings for a particular species. You can add stand-alone records that report directly to your life list, or you can add a record into a bird list from the bird page.

© 1997-. Southern African Birding cc. All rights reserved.